I have seen some really strong Opportunity Zone investment prospectuses (pitch decks) from small and large markets that are focused, professionally done and have extreme detail on the community demographics in support of targeted projects/targeted OZ parcels, that also profiles the OZ parcels, the planning and zoning inside and around the OZ parcels, the infrastructure, utility and topography graphics, the project profiles with current investment breakdowns (partial capital stack), the profile of potential public funding sources that could augment any OZ investment (TIF, state, brownfields, infrastructure, job creation, funds), official contact as well as contact information for local partners of significance, and a targeted description/pitch to the sector that OZ funding is being sought (MF housing, versus commercial, industrial, versus an actual business, etc.).....basically spend money and time on this. Then, start targeting in state and national OZ funds that align with the prospectus' projects. I have seen qualified OZ funds in some states that were really focused for both big city and rural projects and have staff attend conferences, hire consultants, and find other partners in the space to do the research to find the OZ funds that align with their community's prospectus. Networks with OZ funds when and OZ partners are critical when you are ready.