Yes, there are several states that do not conform, including California. You can still take advantage of the federal benefits regardless.
Which states do not? What happens if I move into one of those states in the middle of the tax year and I have invested in several QOFs?
Yes, there are several states that do not conform, including California. You can still take advantage of the federal benefits regardless.
The most prominent states that do not conform are California and New York (for post-2020 gains), but there are at least two others that do not conform. What happens when you move into one of these states mid-year is an open question. If you are a tax resident of that state, your deferred gain presumably would be taxable in that state when it matures. When the 10-year benefit arrives, there would be questions as to whether you'd enjoy it at the state level.
You always get the federal tax benefits, regardless of state issues.
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