About Lisa Brady

Lisa Brady is a real estate broker. She is currently vice president of City Sunstone Properties, based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Brady has more than 20 years of experience in tenant and buyer representation, investment sales, land acquisition, sales, leasing and property management. City Sunstone, founded in 2012, focuses on commercial real estate investment.

Before joining City Sunstone in 2014, Brady was a managing director at Faris Lee Investments in Las Vegas. There, she focused on the acquisition and disposition of retail assets across the country.

Before that, she was the senior vice president of Sun Commercial Real Estate and the managing director of investment sales and leasing for Gatski Commercial, both in Las Vegas. Previously, Brady was a co-founder of R.L. Moore and Associates, a boutique commercial real estate brokerage firm that merged with the regional firm Burnham Real Estate out of San Diego, and was later acquired nationally by Cushman and Wakefield.

Brady is a founding board member of the sustainable development committee of NAIOP of Southern Nevada. She is also a member of the International Council of Shopping Centers. She is working toward her LEED Green Associate accreditation through the U.S. Green Building Council.

Brady studied journalism at Santa Barbara City College and real estate appraisal at Mt. Hood College in Portland.


City Sunstone Properties


9555 Hillwood Drive, Las Vegas



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